Hotel Maria La Gorda is situated inside the Great Natural Park of Guanahacabibes, an excellent location of warm transparent water and 39 acknowledged immersion sites, that was declared Natural Reservoir of the Biosphere by UNESCO in 1974. It provides the opportunity of admiring the largest black coral reserve in the seas of the greatest of the Antilles. At 14 meters deep, you can already appreciate the formations of black coral varieties, amongst which marine species such as barracudas and snappers can be found swimming in a peculiarly attractive manner. Experts have classed the depths of María la Gorda as within the top 10 of the Latin-American subcontinent, in view of its abundance in marine species and the extraordinary beauty of its coral formations. Hotel Maria La Gorda is situated inside the Great Natural Park of Guanahacabibes, an excellent location of warm transparent water and 39 acknowledged immersion sites, that was declared Natural Reservoir of the Biosphere by UNESCO in 1974.